sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Sea world

Scotoplane (Sea pig)

I found the ugliest sea animal called Sea pig and it is also known as Sea cucumber. The British news “Daily mail” stated that it looks like a fatty potato and feels very disgusting. It has pink skin tone and lots of bumps all around its body with12 legs. They live about 300m under the surface of the sea and they are very social and live in communities, therefore they could be found about 300-600 at once. They move extremely slowly like a snail and it is harmlessness because it is nontoxic. The unique characteristic of this animal is that its appearance is totally changed during the growth process. Its legs and the body are lengthened and it is getting feelers. The feelers used to be lengthened until it touches the ground. Normally, it growths 6-10 cm long. Recently the sea pigs are considered as one of the endangered species regarding to the global warming.

Sea World

The Blobfish or Psychrolutes marcidus is without a doubt in one of the ugliest fish in the ocean. These saltwater fish have what resembles a large nose in between two eyes and almost seem to be frowning! its a human face with a fish body! I guess with an ugly mug like that you would be frowning too. This deep see fish is often found at extreme depths off of the coasts of Tasmania and Australia. The Blobfish is rarely seen by the human eye.This deep sea fish simply picks and chooses what to eat. Blobfish are often caught by fisherman that bottom trawling with nets.One weird fact about the Blobfish is that when reproducing they will actually sit on their eggs until hatching. I think that they may that miserable for a reason because they seem to be an endagered species given the fact that theyt are in edible and fisherman just catch them with other fish near Autralian waters.